See what people are saying about our product.

Before RUF, I was convinced that time-sheets were something made up to make senior management feel important. It wasn’t until RUF was installed company wide that I realised completing time-sheets was a clever way to keep access to the Internet.
— J Bennett
I understand how important it is to do timesheets, but I always put it off because I feel as though there’s something more important to do. When I eventually get a spare five minutes to check Facebook and see the block message, I can no longer deceive myself!
— M Abdi
I had my first blockout experience which sent me scurrying like a demented hamster to Paprika… This really works!
— D Glover
The senior management team asked IT for a timesheet enforcement solution, what was needed was a technical solution to a management problem. As IT Director I almost gave up hope at the over-elaborate and expensive solutions on offer. Rufmytimesheets has given us a cost effective solution to the unmanageable problem of staff filling out timesheets. The timesheet system lock-outs offending staff from non-essential web-sites, the severity of which is adjustable on a sliding scale. The solution took away the headache and overhead of managing staff to fill out their timesheets, instead, managers can now focus on productive tasks like attending to the client while at the same time we can bill against timesheets more accurately than before.
— B Stratton-Woodward
Canadian psychologist Bruce K. Alexander proved that Rats prefer water over morphine in his Rat Park experiments in the late 70’s. RUF is the modern day human equivalent of Alexander’s experiments, consistently proving that employees prefer completing timesheets to having their Internet restricted.
— James B @maybejames
The thing with timesheets is that I always do them on time every time. I enjoy hearing my slack colleagues remark about not being to check their fantasy football scores when they haven’t done theirs. I feel the power of justice on my side, and hope they learn their lesson. Do the crime, do the time (sheets) as I like to say
— S Watson